WSAJ’s Medical Negligence Deskbook Update

Please join us in congratulating CMG Law partner Tyler Goldberg-Hoss for the release of the second edition of WSAJ’s Medical Negligence Deskbook.

The deskbook was released this week in conjunction with the Washington State Association for Justice’s 2021 convention in downtown Seattle. In celebration of its release, the convention kicked off with a series of speakers – each an author of one or more chapter – moderated by deskbook editors Tyler Goldberg-Hoss and Elizabeth Calora of PCVA.

This update comes five years after release of the original Medical Negligence deskbook, also co-edited by Tyler Goldberg-Hoss. The deskbook is the product of the collaboration of more than twenty medical malpractice practitioners, WSAJ staff Raphaela Weissman and Tessa Tyler, and countless hours of labor. Each chapter has seen updates, and new chapters on medical battery and consumer protection claims in medical lawsuits have been added.

The purpose of the deskbook is to lay out the major black letter law for lawyers intending to bring medical negligence lawsuits. The deskbook covers pre-filing concerns like time limits and statutes of limitations all the way to the appeals process. Five years has seen enough changes in case law, statutes, and even more changes in the practice of medicine, that an update was indeed due. The deskbook will continue to be updated periodically as the law changes.

Tyler is honored to be part of the esteemed group of advocates who assembled the deskbook update.

WSAJ is one of the nation’s largest civil justice advocacy organizations. Each of the lawyers at CMG Law are proud to be members.