Walmart’s answer to better healthcare: find the bad doctors and get rid of them.

As readers of this blog know, there are many amazing things happening in healthcare in the United States (particularly technological advancements), and there are still real problems.

Recently, large corporations like Amazon and Walmart have entered the fray. Walmart itself has been gathering data from its own healthcare program, attempting to find ways to improve the care provided to its patients, and improve profits from delivering that health care.

What it found was that the behavior of some doctors was a “root cause” of giving wrong care, not enough care, and not offering sufficient value for the cost of the care.

And instead of working with those providers to understand better why those problems are occurring, it appears Walmart is going the other way: “We will build networks that realize some providers just won’t cut it and won’t get any value from the network.”

These doctors have been identified as not practicing evidence-based medicine, and the implication is, at least within the Walmart system, that unless they do, they will be out of the Walmart system.

You can read more about this here:

[Walmart’s next healthcare move: Using data to identify bad doctors](