Urgent Care Clinics – Attempting to Fill a Gap in Healthcare, But Can Patients Fall Through the Cracks?

You may have noticed an Urgent Care Clinic near you these days. It may be called something a little different, like Immediate or Express Care, but the template is essentially the same. These clinics have sprung up to fill a perceived gap in healthcare, available for folks who have healthcare needs that don’t rise to the level (in both time and cost) of an emergency room visit, or when it is inconvenient (or impossible) to see their primary care doctor (if they have one).

While there are certainly benefits to such clinics, there are potential pitfalls for patients. You can read more about what Urgent Care Clinics are, who staffs them, who goes there for treatment, and what possible medical/legal issues there are arising from such treatment here:

[Urgent Care Clinics – Attempting to Fill a Gap in Healthcare, But Can Patients Fall Through the Cracks?]( )