UberHealth launches. Perhaps more patients will make their medical appointments.

Nearly a year ago, I [wrote]( about how, with the advent of ride sharing companies, some people have elected to use Uber or Lyft to take them to the Emergency Department instead of calling an ambulance.

It appears that Uber was paying attention. It has recently launched UberHealth, focused on helping patients get rides to medical appointments they might otherwise not make.

The UberHealth service is different than the traditional ride sharing apps in that the medical provider arranges the rides for the patient. The patient doesn’t need an app, or even a smartphone.

The benefit to the patient is obvious. For many, just getting to the doctor can be burdensome, particularly for those with limited means and/or without reliable transportation. This service will hopefully provide better access to healthcare.

For medical providers, this service aims to reduce the amount of no-shows, which cost providers money. In addition, with patients receiving better healthcare, hopefully they will in turn be healthier, and need less health care. Consider a patient who doesn’t make it to a doctor’s appointment, or fails to follow through on prescribed treatment plans, including physical or occupational therapy. That patient is less likely to have control over their medical condition, and more likely to need costly care in the future as a result.

You can read more about this new service here: