Changes to risk calculator may change your blood pressure medication
New data is changing cardiovascular risk calculations for millions of Americans.
New data is changing cardiovascular risk calculations for millions of Americans.
These days doctors and midlevel providers (including ARNPs and PAs) you encounter in the hospital may not be employees.
A recent paper published found that 71% of reusable medical scopes tested at three major hospitals carried bacteria.
New research suggests livers transported for transplant last longer when they are kept warm instead of on ice.
Recently software using Artificial Intelligence has been approved to screen patients for the eye disease diabetic retinopathy.
UberHealth promises to help health care providers help their patients make their appointments by offering them free rides.
Recently Dr. Frank Li, former director of a number of Seattle Pain Center clinics, entered into an agreement with the Washington Medical Commission that allows him to keep his medical license.
Wrongful death litigation is difficult on claimants for a variety of different reasons.