Search Results for: birth injury – Page 5

Why We Do The Work

Pat Greenstreet discusses a case that vividly demonstrates why CMG focuses on medical negligence cases. Pat describes how medical mistakes resulted in a baby suffering a profound brain injury due to prolonged labor. It is challenging and heartbreaking cases like Anthony’s that keep CMG working toward being “a trusted voice for victims of negligence.”

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Chemnick | Moen | Greenstreet – 30 Years and Going Strong

Every day around 11:30, you will hear Gene Moen jingle the change in his pocket as he walks down the hall. It’s lunch time, and barring trial or deposition, it’s the signal for the three partners to go to lunch. Yes, every day. They discuss cases, of course, and brainstorm, and strategize and pick them apart and put them back together again. But they also talk about personal challenges, family matters, sometimes sports, and always politics.

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Finding and Empowering Expert Witnesses

This paper outlines practical suggestions for dealing with expert witnesses in medical negligence cases and most personal injury cases. Suggestions are offered for ways of locating and retaining credible experts, what to send them, preparing them for their depositions, and developing trial testimony.

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Handling Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Emboli Cases

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT or clots) is a common problem occurring after certain kinds of surgeries. This article analyzes claims based on deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli (resulting from the clots), including the type of claim that may arise, how to determine negligence, what kinds of experts are needed, and damages that may occur in such cases.

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The Erosion of the ERISA Defense

This paper outlines legal defenses based on the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act, how the act applies to medical negligence claims, and how court rulings have gradually eroded those defenses.

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Expert Witnesses

Medical negligence cases are often “battles of the experts.” With few exceptions, you cannot present a medical negligence claim without using experts. This paper discusses both the legal and practical issues involved in obtaining expert support in a complex case, including a medical negligence claim.

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