Search Results for: breast cancer – Page 3

The Importance of Causation

Many potential clients who contact us about a case emphasize that, in their case, the medical negligence was clear or egregious. Of course, proving that a medical provider was negligent is the first step in a case. But the second step – proving causation – is often the more difficult burden to meet.

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Finding and Empowering Expert Witnesses

This paper outlines practical suggestions for dealing with expert witnesses in medical negligence cases and most personal injury cases. Suggestions are offered for ways of locating and retaining credible experts, what to send them, preparing them for their depositions, and developing trial testimony.

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New Trends in Medical Negligence

Trends in medical negligence law and litigation, including economic and social changes that impact the number of claims, changes in public perceptions, expanding concepts of liability, difficulties in determining responsibility for particular care decisions, systems errors, and telemedicine are outlined.

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