How will we address the health of our aging population? Look into the future by looking at Japan.

A country is defined as “super aging” if more than 20 percent of its population is 65 or older. While the United States is not there yet, it is expected that we will be in another 40 or so years.

Given the current state of our health care system, how might we begin to address the increased burdens on it as we age? We might learn a thing or two from how Japan is doing it, and in particular how it is experimenting with technology and the well being of its elderly citizens.

The Japanese government has invested millions in this research. In one area, a bot named Palro helps to keep Japanese seniors engaged and happy, as a dancer, exercise instructor or performer. Japan is also experimenting with Virtual Reality (VR) and how it may be used.

The future is exciting and scary, but Japan’s work in this area makes it more palatable to envision.

You can read more about this here:

[Watch: Japan faces its old age with robots and virtual reality](