Fireworks injuries expected to keep local ERs busy tomorrow

The 4th of July is about as American as you can get. Along with it comes the tradition of fireworks. While some choose to watch large displays from a safe distance, others favor a more “hands on” approach.

Washington State, like most other states, allows the sale of some fireworks (Massachusetts and New Jersey ban sales entirely). And as you might expect, people can and do get hurt using and being near fireworks.

National data shows that children are much more likely than adults to get hurt – teenagers in particular. And no surprise, males are much more likely to be injured than females.

The most likely injuries sustained include thermal burns, contusions, lacerations, fractures, and foreign bodies. While injuries from fireworks occur at other times of year (particularly around New Year’s), the lion’s share of such mayhem occurs in early July.

For more information, [this article]( includes some interactive graphs that illustrate the harms caused by fireworks.