Cyber security attacks on hospitals put Electronic Health Information at risk

Given the nature and depth technology has been incorporated into our lives, it is not hard to imagine how we might be affected if such technology was hacked and malicious entities gained access to it.

Add Electronic Health Information to the list of such concerns. A recent survey of health care institution executives (and some from device manufacturers) counted as many as 1000 patients who have suffered harm due in some part to cyber security attacks.

Preventing attacks can be problematic. Technology becomes antiquated relatively quickly, and it is more and more difficult to support updates or patches to possible vulnerabilities.

Interestingly, the FDA has set forth guidance on cyber security, including regulations for meeting mandatory quality system regulations. 20% of survey respondents said they did not implement these new policies, and another twenty percent said they don’t plan to.

You can read more on this topic here:

[New research shows patients harmed by medical device breaches](