Category: Surgical Malpractice

Aging Surgeons and Malpractice

Age may be a factor in some surgical malpractice claims, but age alone isn’t nearly enough to bring a successful claim. There are plenty of excellent surgeons out there still practicing into their 70s and beyond.

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Google Glass in the Operating Room

The new wearable computer may make operations safer, but it also has the potential for problems, not only surgically but in safekeeping patient’s private medical information

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Questions About Robotic Surgery Grow

In the last several years, there has been a huge increase in the number of surgeries performed with robotic devices, usually manufactured by one company that has aggressively marketed them to doctors and hospitals.

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A Black Box in Every Operating Room?

Medical malpractice attorneys know that it is often very difficult to determine what went wrong in a surgical procedure. Unless someone witnessed exactly what happened and is willing to testify about it, or unless the outcome was so bad it is presumed to be the result of negligence (a res ipsa loquitur claim, such as leaving a surgical instrument in the patient), the reasons for a bad outcome are often never known to the patient or his/her attorney.

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Nerve Injuries From Surgical Positioning

When a patient undergoes a surgical procedure, an unexpected outcome can be a nerve or skin injury caused by improper positioning. The surgical team is responsible for ensuring that the patient is positioned in such a way that there is not excessive pressure on any particular part of the body and a nerve is not stretched to the point of injury.

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