Category: Radiology Misses

Virtual Medicine Becomes a Reality

Virtual, remote medicine is becoming a reality. For years, offsite radiologist have been able to read and interpret radiology films remotely. Now health care institutions in the Pacific Northwest are offering clinic-like services via remote health care provider, among other services.

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What is the “Standard of Care?”

The "Standard of Care" is something a jury decides, including not only evidence of how doctors in Washington state actually practice, but also what experts for both sides say is the standard.

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Hollywood Meets Medicine

Technology in medicine is developing rapidly. What was the stuff of science fiction just a few years ago is already becoming a reality.

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83% of radiologists fail to spot Dancing Gorilla on CT

A new study will be published soon that found that 20 of 24 credentialed radiologists did not see a dancing gorilla placed on one of five scans they were asked to look at. In fact, half of the 24 radiologists looked directly at the gorilla, and missed it.

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