Category: Negligent Maintenance of Hospital Equipment and Machines

Disrespectful Doctors and Nurses Injure More Patients

A recent Consumer Reports article describes a link between respectful treatment by health care works and fewer preventable medical errors. Unfortunately the converse is true: disrespectful doctors and nurses make more medical errors causing harm.

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What is the “Standard of Care?”

The "Standard of Care" is something a jury decides, including not only evidence of how doctors in Washington state actually practice, but also what experts for both sides say is the standard.

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Nurses Complain About Electronic Medical Records

All health care facilities are, or soon will be, required to maintain a patient’s medical records in electronic form. Almost all hospitals currently use EMR systems. Several U.S. companies are marketing and installing these systems. Using them has helped avoid some problems of hand-written charts, but also has created entirely new problems.

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Questions About Robotic Surgery Grow

In the last several years, there has been a huge increase in the number of surgeries performed with robotic devices, usually manufactured by one company that has aggressively marketed them to doctors and hospitals.

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Hospital Equipment Alarms

In modern hospitals the health care providers rely more and more on machines. A patient’s well-being is maintained through monitoring devices (picture the screen above the patient’s bed showing a pulse), breathing-assistance machines, and drug dispensing methods. The failure of any of these devices, or a malfunction, can adversely affect the patient’s well-being or even cause a death.

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