Germ carrying insects another hazard found in hospitals
A recent study of seven hospitals in the UK found the presence of all manner of insects, 90% of which were carrying bacteria potentially harmful to humans.
A recent study of seven hospitals in the UK found the presence of all manner of insects, 90% of which were carrying bacteria potentially harmful to humans.
Half of all injuries suffered by patients is preventable. Of those injuries, 12% are considered severe.
A recent study found there was no significant difference in outcomes between doctors trained under 100 hour work week conditions and those working fewer hours.
Reading the notes generated from your medical visit can help you stay on top of your own health, including catching errors that may be corrected before harm results.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in medicine now, and will be to a greater degree in the future
A recent article found that there are currently 400 instances in medicine where new literature has shown that current medical practice doesn’t work, or worse.
After years of attempting to fix Washington State’s racist and unfair wrongful death law, the association of attorneys who represent victims, along with other interested parties, successfully passed changes which recently became law.
Because health care in the US is provided to its citizens in a business model, sometimes the motivations of hospitals and surgeons is not entirely on patient care and safety.
A recent discovery of the fungus Aspergillus in the air in four operating rooms at Seattle Children’s Hospital has prompted their closure.
In spite of our apparent prosperity, mothers die in childbirth at greater rates in the United States than in any other developed nation.