Category: Anesthesia Malpractice

Disrespectful Doctors and Nurses Injure More Patients

A recent Consumer Reports article describes a link between respectful treatment by health care works and fewer preventable medical errors. Unfortunately the converse is true: disrespectful doctors and nurses make more medical errors causing harm.

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What is the “Standard of Care?”

The "Standard of Care" is something a jury decides, including not only evidence of how doctors in Washington state actually practice, but also what experts for both sides say is the standard.

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Joan Rivers’ death highlights problems with surgeries at ASCs

Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) are a relatively new phenomenon. While there can be some benefit to having a surgical procedure at an ASC, there are good reasons to be careful, not the least of which is that surgeons and anesthesiologists often have a strong financial interest in performing your surgery there, when it may not be the safest choice for you.

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