The Medical Malpractice Attorneys at CMG Law are regular contributors to Trial News, the monthly publication of the Washington State Association for Justice (WSAJ). These articles support all medical malpractice attorneys in Washington and their clients with useful information about litigating such claims.

In addition, Tyler Goldberg-Hoss, Gene Moen, and Carl-Erich Kruse have each served as chair or co-chair of the WSAJ Medical Negligence Section. And in 2016, Tyler served as editor of the first Medical Negligence Deskbook, published in 2016.

When Nothing Seems to Go Right…

Sometimes it feels like anything that can go wrong does. That certainly felt the case for our unfortunate client who suffered a tragic string of errors during her treatment and in litigation.

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Urgent Care Clinics – Attempting to Fill a Gap in Healthcare, But Can Patients Fall Through the Cracks?

There are dozens of Urgent/Immediate/Express/Convenient Care Clinics in Washington State. Such clinics attempt to fill a perceived gap in healthcare, available for folks who have healthcare needs that don’t rise to the level (in both time and cost) of an emergency room visit, or when it is inconvenient (or impossible) to see their primary care doctor (if they have one).

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