Newborn Brain Injury

Cerebral Palsy | Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy | Skull Fracture

Bringing a child into the world is a life changing experience. Because of the hope invested by parents in their children, it is among the worst experiences imaginable when the unexpected happens and a baby’s brain is permanently injured during the birthing process. And the agony is compounded if the injury was preventable.

Cerebral Palsy Medical Malpractice

Cerebral palsy (CP), the most common motor disability in childhood, is a group of disorders that affects muscle tone, posture and/or movement due to abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain.

About 85-90% of cases of cerebral palsy cases are congenital CP, which is related to brain damage that occurs before or during birth. A small percentage of CP cases are ”acquired CP,” meaning it was caused by brain damage (usually an infection, such as meningitis, or a head injury) that occurs in the first few months or years of life, while the brain is still developing.

Many people with cerebral palsy have additional symptoms that accompany the motor abnormalities, including intellectual disability, communication and behavior difficulties, seizure disorders, problems with vision, hearing, swallowing, and speaking, difficulty with precise movements, and musculoskeletal complications.

Unfortunately, many risks and adverse events can occur during the birthing process, both during the prenatal period and during the birth itself that can cause brain damage resulting in cerebral palsy. In some cases, the brain damage could have been prevented with the exercise of reasonable medical care.

There are a few different kinds of cerebral palsy that are classified based upon the type of movement disorder involved, which often correlates with which parts of the brain are affected.

  • Spastic cerebral palsy, the most common type of CP, is when someone has stiff muscles and, as a result, their movements can be awkward. Spastic diplegia is stiffness mainly in the legs and less severely in the arms and face, spastic hemiplegia is stiffness on one side of the body, typically the arm and hand, but can also include the leg, and spastic quadriplegia, the most severe form of spastic cerebral palsy, affects all four limbs, the trunk and the face.
  • Dyskinetic cerebral palsy is when someone has uncontrollable movements (slow and writhing or rapid and jerky) of their hands, arms, feet and legs, making it difficult to sit and walk.
  • Ataxic cerebral palsy is when someone has balance and coordination difficulties
  • Mixed cerebral palsy is when someone has symptoms from more than one type of cerebral palsy.

The signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy can vary dramatically because there are many different types and levels of disability. For example, a child with severe CP might not be able to walk at all and require lifelong care, while another child with mild CP might walk only a little awkwardly and require no special assistance.

However, the most common symptoms are delays in reaching motor or movement milestones (like sitting, standing, or walking). Other early signs that children with CP may exhibit include:

  • In babies younger than 6 months, they may feel stiff or floppy when held, or cross or scissor their legs.
  • In babies older than 6 months, they cannot bring their hands together or don’t roll over in either direction.
  • In babies 10 months or older, they may crawl in a lopsided manner or scoot/hop rather than crawl.

The signs of cerebral palsy usually appear in the early months of life; however the diagnosis may be delayed until age two years or later. To diagnose cerebral palsy, it is important to monitor a child’s growth and development and perform a developmental screening if a parent is concerned about the child’s development. If doctors further suspect cerebral palsy, they will refer for developmental and medical evaluations to further work-up the condition.

The disorder itself is not progressive, however, the exact symptoms may change over time.

Abnormal development or damage to the fetal or infantile brain has several possible causes and is often multifactorial. Examples of possible causes include: history of prematurity, fetal growth restriction, multiple gestation, maternal infection or fever during pregnancy, lack of oxygen during the birth process, genetic abnormalities and congenital brain malformations.

There are several ways that cerebral palsy could be caused by the negligence of a health care provider. For example:

  • Improper handling of maternal infections: Certain infections in the mother can increase the risk of cerebral palsy to the baby. Types of infections that have been linked to CP include cytomegalovirus (CMV), varicella virus (chickenpox), toxoplasmosis, and bacterial infections such as infections of the placenta or fetal membranes or maternal pelvic infections. Health care providers may be negligent in their handling of maternal infections, including failing to screen, diagnose and/or treat pregnant women for infections in a timely manner.
  • Failure to deliver the baby in a timely manner: During the birthing process there may be negligent care, such as delaying a cesarean section too long or failure to properly monitor labor progression or pick up on ominous fetal heart-rate patterns, which can result in the baby suffering a lack of oxygen (asphyxia) and cerebral palsy due to brain damage.
  • Failure to diagnose and treat jaundice: Severe jaundice that is left untreated can cause a type of brain damage called kernicterus, which can result from high levels of bilirubin in a baby’s blood. Kernicterus is a cause of cerebral palsy that may be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment of jaundice.
  • Failure to recognize and manage Rh incompatibilities: Rh disease, also called Rh incompatibility, happens when the mother’s blood is Rh-negative and the baby’s blood is Rh-positive. Rh incompatibility can cause serious problems for the baby including severe jaundice and kernicterus. Rh disease usually can be prevented with treatment and care at the right times.
  • Failure to communicate: According to a 2015 study conducted by CRICO Strategies, 34% of all obstetrics-related malpractice cases involved communication errors. Top communication factors among obstetric cases were: miscommunication of among obstetrical team members, poor documentation of clinical findings, miscommunication due to a language barrier, and inadequate informed consent.  There are many ways that failure to communicate can lead to brain damage resulting in Cerebral Palsy.  For example, a nurse may fail to communicate a sense of urgency to the OB regarding possible decelerations on the electronic fetal monitoring strips, leading to the baby suffering a loss of oxygen and cerebral palsy due to brain damage. 

There are many additional ways cerebral palsy can occur due to medical malpractice, so it is best to have an experienced medical malpractice lawyer review your potential case.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy, and there is no single treatment that works for all children with CP, but there are many treatment options for parents to help improve the lives of their children with CP. Some of the most common types of treatment include:

  • Physical, occupational and speech therapy: Physical therapy is a cornerstone of CP treatment and includes exercises and activities that can help children maintain or improve muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and motor skills. Occupational therapy focuses on fine motor skill development and self-help skills and includes exercises to address everyday activities such as feeding, toileting, dressing, going to school, and personal hygiene. Speech and language therapy can improve a child’s ability to speak clearly, help with eating and swallowing difficulties, and learn new ways to communicate such as, using sign language or computer-based communication devices.
  • Orthotic devices: braces, splints, and casts can all be used to help improve movement and function, such as walking and stretching spastic muscles.
  • Medication: medications can help relax painful, stiff, overactive muscles. Medications may also be used to reduce drooling.
  • Surgery: sometimes surgery is recommended for patients with CP who have severe problems with spasticity and stiffness, such that walking and moving about are difficult or painful, in order to try to ease the chronic pain, help relax the muscles and improve mobility.

Many of these therapies come at a high financial cost to the family of the injured child. Health insurance should cover most of the expenses, but out-of-pocket costs may be difficult for many families to afford.

Cerebral Palsy Case Review

We are available to review your potential case without cost or obligation. We will talk with you regarding what happened and then if it seems like there may have been medical malpractice, we will help get all the medical records and review those as well. Feel free to reach out to us by phone or e-mail.

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Medical Malpractice

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), also known as perinatal, intrapartum, or birth asphyxia, is a type of brain injury caused by partial or complete lack of oxygen to the brain that occurs during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or in the postnatal period. HIE is a broad term that encompasses many different diagnoses caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain.

Babies with HIE are at increased risk of death or long-term disabilities, including severe developmental, cognitive, and motor delays.  In some cases, the brain injury could have been prevented or diminished with the exercise of reasonable medical care.

HIE is one of the major causes of neonatal encephalopathy (neurologic dysfunction) in a term infant. There are various clinical signs of HIE, although some are nonspecific and may not be caused by an acute hypoxic-ischemic event. Signs and symptoms that an infant with HIE might exhibit include:

  • Low Apgar scores
  • Low cord pH
  • Pattern of brain injury seen on brain MRI consistent with acute hypoxia-ischemia
  • Concomitant injury to other organs, such as the liver, kidney, lungs, and/or heart, consistent with HIE
  • Abnormal level of consciousness (e.g. irritable, lethargic)
  • Respiratory or feeding difficulties
  • Depression of tone and reflexes
  • Seizures
  • Weak or absent cry

The symptoms of HIE vary widely based on the length of time the brain was without oxygen, extent of brain damage, and areas of brain affected. There are three categories of HIE that are classified by severity of symptoms:

  • Mild HIE (Stage I): mild HIE may be characterized by slightly increased muscle tone and there may be transient behavioral abnormalities, but it typically resolves in twenty-four hours.
  • Moderate HIE (Stage II): moderate HIE may cause the infant to be lethargic, grasping reflexes may be absent, there may be periods of apnea, and seizures typically occur within 24 hours after birth. The infant can have a full recovery within 1-2 weeks.
  • Severe HIE (Stage III): Severe HIE is usually associated with a poor outcome. Seizures can be delayed and severe, coma is typical, breathing may be irregular, skewed deviation of the eyes may be revealed on exam, and neonatal reflexes are absent.

Infants with mild HIE are most likely to develop normally, while infants with moderate to severe HIE are more likely to suffer from severe and permanent neurologic disability or death. 

In some newborn babies, signs and symptoms of HIE are not seen right away. Instead, parents and doctors may notice delayed development and neurological problems later in childhood.

Several causes and risk factors have been associated with HIE, including:

  • A sentinel or acute event, such as placental abruption, uterine rupture, cord prolapse, or shoulder dystocia.
  • Prolonged second stage of labor
  • Meconium-stained amniotic fluid
  • Fetal Heart Rate monitor patterns consistent with an acute event, such as conversion from a category I (normal pattern) to a category III pattern (abnormal pattern)

In many cases, the exact cause of HIE is unknown, however there are many problems during pregnancy and labor and delivery that can cause or increase the risk of asphyxia, such as:

  • Preeclampsia (maternal high blood pressure)
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Multiple gestations, particularly monochorionic twins
  • Infections of the fetus
  • Maternal infection
  • Problems with blood flow to the placenta
  • Umbilical cord accidents
  • Sudden drop in mother’s blood pressure during labor and delivery
  • Abnormal fetal position
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion
  • Fetal stroke
  • Excessive pressure on the baby’s cranium during birth

There are many ways that hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy could be caused by the negligence of a health care provider. For example:

  • Failure of doctors to recognize a high-risk pregnancy and take precautions.
  • Errors in fetal heart rate monitoring or not recognizing fetal distress.
  • Failure to deliver the baby in a timely manner.
  • Mismanagement of an issue involving the fetal presentation.
  • Mismanagement of an issue involving the uterus, placenta, or umbilical cord.
  • Failure to initiate therapeutic hypothermia therapy in a timely manner or delay in transferring to an experienced facility equipped to care for infants with HIE or manage therapeutic hypothermia.

There are many different ways HIE can occur due to medical malpractice, so it is best to have an experienced medical malpractice lawyer review your potential case.

Doctors may suspect HIE for various reasons such as, if a significant event that is known risk factor for HIE occurs during labor and delivery, or if the infant displays symptoms of HIE after delivery. Initial treatment may include immediate resuscitation, stabilization, and supportive care measures. Once the infant is stabilized, the doctors will perform neuroimaging tests, such as a brain MRI, to check for abnormalities consistent with hypoxia-ischemia and to predict long-term outcomes. Additional tests that may be done include an electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor for seizures and signs of brain dysfunction, and checking blood gas levels.

In infants with moderate to severe HIE, therapeutic hypothermia is indicated within the first six hours after delivery. Studies have shown that this treatment that involves cooling the baby for three days can result in lower likelihood of death and decreased injury to the brain in these infants. 

The infant may also benefit from transferring to a higher-level infant care facility equipped to diagnose and care for babies with HIE. For example, if hypothermia is not available at the birth center, infants who meet the criteria for therapeutic hypothermia should be transferred immediately to an experienced enter where hypothermia treatment is available so that the treatment can be initiated within the first 6 hours of delivery. 

Supportive care measures are used consistently before, during and after therapeutic hypothermia and for infants that do not receive cooling treatment, to prevent additional injury. These support measures include:  ventilation and breathing support, maintenance of blood pressure, maintenance of metabolic status, such as appropriate blood sugar and pH levels, and control and monitoring of seizures and brain edema.

Depending on the severity of the brain damage, the recovery from HIE can vary, ranging from little to no long-term health issues to life-long problems including:

  • Visual or hearing impairment
  • Developmental delay
  • Problems with motor development
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Seizures
  • Severe cognitive disorders

The severity of impairment is usually not determined until the child is a few years old.

Long-term treatment options are variable depending on the special needs of the baby and can include extensive monitoring from a pediatric team of doctors, neurodevelopmental support, and many other options.

Washington law requires that most medical malpractice lawsuits be filed within three years of the date of alleged negligence. Exceptions do apply, so that time limit may be longer or shorter, depending on the specific circumstance of each case. It is best to not wait until most of this time has passed; if you suspect medical malpractice, get in touch with us. 

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Case Review

We are available to review your potential case without cost or obligation. We will talk with you regarding what happened and then if it seems like there may have been medical malpractice, we will help get all the medical records and review those as well. Feel free to reach out to us by phone or e-mail.

Infant Skull Fracture Medical Malpractice

A skull fracture is one of the birth injuries an infant can suffer during labor and delivery. In many cases, a skull fracture will resolve spontaneously, however, in some cases, it can have devastating consequences including severe brain damage or even death. In some cases, the injury could have been avoided or the outcome improved with the exercise of reasonable care.

The bones of a newborn baby’s skull are very soft and flexible, with spaces between the bony plates of the skull (“cranial sutures”) to allow passage through the birth canal. Although rare, skull fractures can occur during labor and delivery by various causes including, pressure on the fetal skull in the birth canal from maternal structures, use of vacuum extractors or forceps during delivery, or accidental fall after delivery. 

There are different types of skull fracture patterns that can result from birth trauma, including: 

  • Linear fracture: this is a crack or break in the bone, but it does not move the bone out of place. In many cases, these require no treatment and heal spontaneously.
  • Depressed (“ping-pong”) fracture: this is a fracture that causes an indentation of the very soft neonatal skull. This can cause the bone to press down against the brain and is more likely to require immediate attention and surgery to fix. 
  • Growing fracture: a growing skull fracture is a significant complication of a skull fracture in which the fracture enlarges or becomes wider progressively over time. Early recognition and treatment of these fractures is crucial to prevent or minimize long-term neurological deficits.

Sometimes doctors will immediately suspect that a bone has been fractured during labor and delivery. Other times, a skull fracture may be clinically silent and therefore not discovered unless specifically looked for.

Symptoms of a skull fracture vary greatly based on the site and severity of the skull fracture, ranging from none to mild to severe. Symptoms include swelling and bruising, and neurological signs such as vomiting, seizures, lethargy and hypotonia. 

In order to evaluate a suspected infant skull fracture, imaging studies, such as, an x-ray or CT scan will be obtained to look for fractures and associated intracranial processes, such as hemorrhages. Repeat imaging may be needed to monitor for changes, such as expansion of the hematoma that can cause a mass effect on the brain.   

Although some skull fractures can heal without any long-term consequences, in some cases failure to treat a fracture can lead to much more serious consequences, including:

  • Permanent brain damage
  • Blood clots
  • Infections
  • Deformity

There are many different ways that a skull fracture of a baby could be caused by the negligence of a health care provider. For example:

  • Failure of the doctor to be reasonably prudent while using instruments (including forceps and vacuum extractors) during delivery. Skull fractures occur rarely during labor and delivery but the risk increases significantly with the use of forceps or vacuum during delivery. A skull fracture may occur as a result of negligence in using the instruments, such as if the doctor uses too much force or if the instruments were not placed correctly. 
  • Mismanagement of an issue involving the fetal presentation. Normally, the position of the fetus is facing rearward at the time of delivery. When a fetus is lying in an abnormal position, such as breech or facing forward, there is an increased risk of a skull fracture for various reasons. Possible negligence may occur if the doctor fails to perform a C-section in a timely manner when the labor is prolonged, causing more pressure on the baby’s skull for an extended period of time. Fetal malposition is also associated with increased risk of a delivery with instruments (forceps and vacuum extractors) so negligence may arise if the instruments are not placed and used correctly during attempts to rotate or deliver the fetus.
  • Failure to recognize risk factors that predispose the baby to a skull fracture during birth. There are factors that increase the risk of an infant skull fracture during labor and delivery, such as fetal macrosomia (fetus larger than 4000 to 4500 grams) or if the baby is in an abnormal fetal position (such as breach presentation). Doctors may be negligent in attempting a vaginal delivery or failing to perform an emergency delivery, such as Cesarean section, in a timely manner.
  • Failure to handle the baby with care after delivery, resulting in the baby falling or being dropped.

In addition to potential negligence in causing an infant skull fracture, health care providers may fail to exercise reasonable care in recognizing and treating a skull fracture, which could cause severe injuries that otherwise could have been prevented or minimized. For example, if a doctor has reason to suspect an infant skull fracture, imaging should be obtained to assess the fracture and any possible associated intracranial process, such as a hemorrhage. A neurosurgical consultation should be obtained if indicated, such as, for surgical evacuation of a blood clot or surgical repair of the skull fracture to relieve pressure on the brain and minimize or prevent a permanent brain injury.

There are many different ways a skull fracture can occur due to medical malpractice, so it is best to have our experienced medical malpractice lawyers review your potential case.

Infant Skull Fracture Case Review

We are available to review your potential case without cost or obligation. We will talk with you regarding what happened and then if it seems like there may have been medical malpractice, we will help get all the medical records and review those as well. Feel free to reach out to us by phone or e-mail.